Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Veteran's Day

Happy Veteran’s Day!
We are so grateful to those that serve our country in all branches of the military. My grandfather served as a marine in World War 2. Alex has members of his birth family who have served and others are now serving our country.  I have had children in my class at school whose parents were deployed. It is hard on the family. If you are a veteran- Thank You! If you are the family member of a veteran- Thank You!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 Months Old

Alex is 3 months old!


Alex is 3 months old already. Lots of things have changed but the things he likes and dislikes are about the same. I am back to work and he is handling it really well. (Me not so much. You can see how late this post is. He was three months on October 14!!)

He weighs 15 lbs and is just starting to wear 3-6 month clothes. He seems to be long through the body and have shorter legs. He wears some of the 0-3 pants.

He likes:

His swinging chair

Baths (now he sits in a plastic tub and splashes!)

Going for a walk

Pretending to stand up

Giggling, laughing and cooing at us

Watching us eat

Sitting up with help

Loves music (all kinds)

He dislikes:

Burping (he kicks and fights as it gets closer!!)

Wet or dirty diapers (if he is fussy that is the first thing we check

When his bath is over

Being too hot (he would love to be in just a onesie all day!)

Happy Election Day

Today is Election Day. We have had 5 phone calls just today about going to vote! Luckily we have early voting on our state and we are done. If you haven’t voted yet please-go soon! We are so lucky to live in a country where voting is easy and safe.


We started a new tradition in our house and Jake took Alex with him to vote. The ladies helping to keep things running smoothly thought Alex was wonderful. They even gave him his own sticker!