Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I had a post about expectations planned for last week. I wrote about how I expected our life to go once Jake and I got married. I wrote about how I thought adoption would work for us. Then I realized- I just made scamming us a whole lot easier. So I didn’t publish the post.

It is unfortunate that anyone involved with adoption has to worry about people who are less than honest. This can be anyone from the adoption professional (lawyer, caseworker, agency etc.), to the adoptive parents or a potential birthmom (I don’t mean the expectant moms who change their mind- that is different than looking for hopeful adoptive parents knowing you will not place and building a relationship with them).

But back to expectations. . . we don’t know how we will connect with an expectant mom looking to make an adoption plan. We keep trying to get our names out there in the hopes that we will have the opportunity to be parents.

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