Monday, October 17, 2011

What else can we do?

Lately, I have been wondering what else we can do to get our names and desire to adopt out for someone to find.

So I have thought about what we have done:

-Pass along cards (CHECK)

-Profiles (CHECK and CHECK) two checks since we have one with our agency and one with Parent Profiles (you can check out our profiles here or here)

-Email blasts (CHECK) actually we should get lots of checks for this since I have sent 3 so far and am ready to send a fourth

-Blog (CHECK) and thanks for reading!!

-Tell all the people you know (CHECK)

It is a pretty good list. I feel better just looking at what we have done so far. I keep wondering, is there something else we need to do?  I just am not sure what direction to go now. So I need your help. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

You can always add your names to the temple prayer roll, ask other family members to join in on a special fast for you, and you can also ask someone on the ward council to put your names on their prayer roll. :)