Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U is for. . .

U is for Ugh.

This is the FOURTH U post I have tried. (I deleted the other three. There wasn’t even enough to save and hope to get something out of later).

Nothing is really working.  I started with different U words. I tried Unbelievable (haven’t some of the news stories lately fallen into that category?), Understanding (it is National Infertility Awareness Week) and Us (I tried a post about Jake and I and it just was blah). Those are just the U words I actually got a few sentences about.

So this is one of those days when there are little tiny sparks of inspiration but not enough to really get anything meaningful; which leaves us with . . .


Come back tomorrow to find out what v is for . . .


Ruth said...

Some days it is just hard to come up with a word. Ugh sums it up pretty well.

betty said...

LOL; U was a hard one, I went with Unbelievable as in "unbelievable 8 months from today will be Christmas Eve, where is this year going". X will just be as lame I fear :)

Ugh is a great U word.

Infertility sucks, I understand it and I empathize with you both.


Anonymous said...

It may not have been the post you wanted to make, but you did get in several U words. Have a great day!

Tracy said...

hah, I had that happen a couple of times...kept changing my word becuase nothing 'felt' right! Oh well, I guess that is bound to happen within 26 letters :)