Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Thoughts (in a new way)

Usually on Sunday I post a quote. Since I am participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge and posting a quote everyday (one for each letter with Sundays off); I thought I would go a different direction for the Sundays in April.

I have so many things to be thankful for and in keeping with the A to Z idea thought that posting Being Thankful A to Z would work! Here's a few more. Stop by next week for a few more!

O is for Open Adoption. We are blessed to have an open adoption with Alex’s birthmother.  Open adoption is different for each family but for us we know each other, have visits when it works for us, text and email often (I’m not as good at texting. I tend to have a lot to say and I like to edit. Texting doesn’t work as well for me. But I am working on it!)

P is for prayer. I am thankful for all the prayers offered in our behalf.

Q is for quiet. I am thankful for those quite moments during the day (well mostly in the evening) that I can sit quietly and think.

R is for Reading Recovery. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained and the children I have worked with since being a Reading Recovery Teacher.  Reading Recovery is an individualized program for struggling first grade readers. I get to work individually with four students and teach them the things they need to be a better reader.

S is for sappy movies. I love sappy movies. A channel had Christmas movies on all the time in December. It was wonderful. I love a happy ending! They are a great escape and reminder that things do work out!

T is for telephones. Growing up my family was far from cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. The phone helped us stay connected. it still does. I live far from my brothers and sisters and parents and with phone calls we can stay close.

1 comment:

Catch My Words said...

Hey, you took care of it all. Great idea!