Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Valentine Craft


I saw this on Pinterest and thought I can make that and make it for cheap!

I went to the website for the directions and there were just more pictures so here’s what I did.

I gathered my supplies (get the Diet Coke first):
Felt (Wal.mart only 20 cents each!)
Embroidery floss (I had this)
Copy paper (I had this too)

Stuffing (I used bits of felt and shredded paper)

Cut heart patterns out of the copy paper. Trace the pattern on the felt. I cut both hearts out at once (to be sure they would match).

Add decorations to the top heart (buttons, stars, etc).

Sew the hearts together (I used a blanket stitch). Leave an open side for stuffing.
Stuff the heart and sew it shut!

I made three and they were quick and super easy.

Now I can say I really have made something I found on Pinterest!


Amanda said...

These are so cute, you did a wonderful job!

curlyrose49 said...

wow that looks so cute. I may have to give it a try but not sure about the blanket stitch never used it before. Thank you for the idea. Sandy