Wednesday, April 25, 2012

V is for . . .

V is for Vote.

Voting is so easy here in America.  We can vote on all kinds of things. Which singer we like best on a TV show, what news story we want the pundits to discuss and much, much more.

We vote at school- the children choose what book they like the best, or which reward they want. We vote (in a way) by choosing a store for shopping, restaurants for eating and all the other ways we spend our money.  

Election season is upon us here in North Carolina. We have the Primary elections in a couple weeks. There are signs and commercials everywhere!  Soon after that it will be time for the General Election craziness.  According to some experts, North Carolina is supposed to be a hotly contested state. It will make for an interesting fall!

Come back tomorrow to find out what W is for. . .


betty said...

Great reminder for the privilege we have to vote in this country; so many don't take advantage of it. So important to vote right this election year for more than one reason :)


Sharkbytes said...

It's a privilege we sure take for granted. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

Survivormama said...

Yes, is a right and privilege that many take for granted. Visiting from the A to Z Challenge...

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the other commentors. Voting is a privilege. It is so sad when I hear of someone who doesn't vote, yet complains about the ways things are run in the United States.